In this week’s blog, we explore why digital accessibility is a must in today’s corporate landscape and the benefits it brings to businesses.
Why Digital Accessibility Makes Good Business Sense

In this week’s blog, we explore why digital accessibility is a must in today’s corporate landscape and the benefits it brings to businesses.
What often happens during procurement is an organisation fails to identify accessibility as a core requirement of the goods or services they need. This makes it difficult to “bolt on” accessibility in comparison to incorporating it into the initial design. In this week’s blog, IA Labs encourages everyone to “move accessibility to the left”.
Content is one of the most important aspects of an accessible website. Whether it is a blog post, an article, or a product description, it should be clear, concise, and easy to understand for everyone.
Videos are considered one of the best ways for organisations to engage their users: a well-made video can tell a story that sticks in someone’s memory. But videos shouldn’t just be well-made, but also accessible, so that everyone who watches it can understand it.
The popularity of online spaces has spiked in the last few years and given us the opportunity to buy and sell products and services easily, with faster than ever access to an increased number of options. However, people with disabilities find many e-commerce sites very hard to use.
This blog offers a breakdown of the types of reviews performed and the scoring system used in Ireland’s first monitoring report, published in December 2021 by the NDA.
In Ireland, 1 in 7 people have a disability, which amounts to more than 600,000 people. According to the National Disability Authority (NDA), they are only half as likely to be in employment as others of working age.