What People Think Accessibility Is

What people think accessibility is infographic, full text alternative is on this page

Infographic Alternative Text

What People Think Accessibility Is

Image: Ramp with a hand railing
Ramps and Railings

Image: Person standing at the side of a road as a car approaches
Curb Cuts

Image: Traffic light with speakers
Audio Traffic Lights

Image: Two people inside a lift

What Accessibility Actually Is

Image: Gear and spanner
Accessible Utilities and Services

Image: Three-storey building next to a house
Accessibility in the built Environment

Image: Curled plug cable
Accessible Products and White Goods

Image: Film reel with a play button
Accessible Videos and Advertising Content

Image: Hand holding up a heart
Diversity and Inclusion

Image: Graduation cap
Accessible Education

Image: Mouse clicking on a globe
Accessible Website and Applications

Image: Speaker at a podium in front of a crowd
Accessible Conferences

Image: Closed briefcase
Accessible Access to Employment

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