The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, also known as the AODA, is a law that seeks to ensure people with disabilities have the same access and opportunities as everyone else in Ontario, Canada.
Introduction to the AODA

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, also known as the AODA, is a law that seeks to ensure people with disabilities have the same access and opportunities as everyone else in Ontario, Canada.
Videos are considered one of the best ways for organisations to engage their users: a well-made video can tell a story that sticks in someone’s memory. But videos shouldn’t just be well-made, but also accessible, so that everyone who watches it can understand it.
Forms are ubiquitous on website and apps and needed for all sorts of things, but are also one of the most common places accessibility problems occur. In this article, we go through all the ingredients of creating an accessible form that provides the best experience for all users.
The popularity of online spaces has spiked in the last few years and given us the opportunity to buy and sell products and services easily, with faster than ever access to an increased number of options. However, people with disabilities find many e-commerce sites very hard to use.
The European Accessibility Act was adopted in April 2019 and will introduce harmonised rules on accessibility for private-sector products and services in the EU for the first time.
Back in 2009 when Apple launched the iPhone 3GS, they also unveiled their accessibility features. This iOS release in 2009 was the start of Apple’s mobile accessibility journey which allowed people with sight loss to interact with touch screen devices.