What is Apple SignTime?
Apple SignTime is Apple’s latest feature in its wide range of accessibility supports. SignTime allows users with a hearing impairment to receive technology support via video. To use the SignTime website, you must approve access to the camera and microphone on your device. You are then connected to Apple’s support channel where you can interact with an interpreter. They will translate for the Apple support agent and communicate with you via sign language.
Will I receive the same quality of support with Apple SignTime?
The support agent will provide all the typical support you would receive from Apple, with the added benefit of communication in a form you are more comfortable in, thanks to the interpreter.
On completion of the call, users can take part in a survey on how well the experience went by reviewing the support received and the interpreter.

What regions is SignTime available in?
Apple SignTime is currently available in the following languages and regions:
- ASL – American Sign Language (North America & Canada)
- Auslan – Australian Sign Language
- JSL – Japanese Sign Language
- BSL – British Sign Language
- LSF – Langue Des Signes Française
Is SignTime available in Ireland?
Unfortunately, the SignTime service is not currently available for Irish Sign Language (ISL) users in Ireland. IA Labs would encourage ISL users to contact Apple and register their support and interest in receiving SignTime in ISL.

How can IA Labs help?
If you have any questions about how sign language can help people with hearing impairments interact with technology and how it should be considered under the Web Content Accessibility 2.1 Guidelines, please don’t hesitate to contact IA Labs.