There is no freedom until there is freedom for all.
June is Pride Month and Pride Month is in honor of the Stonewall Uprising in 1969. To show support and give credit to such a important day for equality, IA Labs have changed their logo to incorporate the progressive pride flag.
Equality and diversity is fundamental to IA Labs’ work. As a company that specialises in the digital accessibility and equality sector, we are committed to making the internet more inclusive of all people. Our determination to create a safe inclusive environment extends to all people and anyone that has faced discrimination and lack of representation.
The Stonewall Uprising began on June 28th 1969. A riot broke out after police in New York City used unnecessary force towards members and employees of a gay bar called Stonewall Inn. The events of this night sparked a gay rights movement across the United States and in other countries around the world. And so, pride was born.
Speaking about pride and bringing as much awareness to the month as possible is paramount to keeping up the rise in acceptance and the promotion of equality for everyone.
It was only 29 years ago that homosexuality was decriminalised in Ireland. And although major steps have been made since, like the Marriage Equality Referendum in 2015, it is important to continue to show support so that all people can feel safe and welcome regardless of sexuality or gender identity.
NCBI lobbied for digital equality and helped usher in legislation to ensure all digital material is accessible to all. This EU legislation requires all websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies to conform with WCAG 2.1 AA. IA Labs continues to support equality and human rights for everyone.
There is no freedom until there is freedom for all.

If you have any questions about the part we play in making the technological world more inclusive, please don’t hesitate to contact IA Labs.