4.1.2: Name, Role, Value

HTML code on a screen

4.1.2 Name, Role, Value is a level A success criterion under the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1. It requires all user interface (UI) components that are visible to the user to have a name or label that describes their purpose or function. This applies to form elements, buttons, links, and other interactive components. In this blog, we will take a closer look at WCAG 4.1.2 and how to meet its requirements.

The purpose of this success criterion is to help users with disabilities, including those using assistive technologies, to understand the functionality of UI components. Providing clear and descriptive labels for all components can help users to navigate and interact with a website or application more easily.

There are three key attributes of UI components that are relevant to meeting WCAG 4.1.2: name, role, and value. The name attribute provides a label, the role attribute describes the type of the component, and the value attribute provides its current value.

The name attribute is the most important for meeting the success criterion. A good name or label should concisely and accurately describe the purpose or function of the component. The role attribute identifies the type of component, such as a button, checkbox, or input field. This role can be used to provide additional context for the component, especially in cases where the name alone may not be sufficient. The value attribute defines the component’s current status, such as the text entered in an input field or the value of a checkbox (ticked or unticked).

Additionally, to meet WCAG 4.1.2, the name or label of each component must be programmatically associated with it. This allows assistive technologies to access the name or label and present it to users.

This success criterion is crucial for digital accessibility. By providing names or labels to all UI components, website and application designers can help ensure users with disabilities are able to interact with their content fully and effectively. This in turn makes the overall web content more accessible for all.

How can IA Labs help?

As part of our consultations, accessibility audits, and training sessions, we can explain all the contextual nuances that would apply to the WCAG 2.1 Success Criterion 4.1.2 Name, Role, Value. If you have any questions or need help with any digital accessibility issue, please don’t hesitate to contact IA Labs.